This past round of Destuffing marks the third time Carrie and I have Destuffed together. In the spring, we did our clothes closets, and last fall we did the storage room. This fall: the storage room again. Now, you might look at the starting picture from the last post and refuse to believe that we accomplished anything last year, but in fact other pictures show that most of the organization from last year was intact. It was just covered in several layers of things that had been thrown in, either because they didn't have homes of their own, or because we couldn't reach their proper places (due to things that had been thrown in previously, of course).
We started off by taking the dogs for a long-ish walk and then baking some scones. Nothing like a good, quick start to get a project off on the right track... but walking is good for us, so that must be ok, and in making the scones we used up a box of baking mix. See? Getting rid of stuff already!
Once coffee and baked goods had been consumed, we set a timer for half an hour and plunged into our bedrooms. In two half-hour bursts, I did pretty much all the destuffing I needed to do, including getting rid of an entire box of books. Carrie unpacked the last box from her move (in April of last year, I believe), so we're officially moved in. Then we took a break for lunch.
You may notice a theme here: we were avoiding the storage room with all our might. But eventually there was no choice but to tackle it, and so we excavated Stuff, bringing it all into the apartment so we could sort it and figure out what to do with it. The mess looked a little as though the storage room had exploded all over our living room. (Bonus: spot the puppy.)
Next time: The Exciting Conclusion, or Why Shelves Are Great.
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